Saturday, February 8, 2014

World Wide Web

The World Wide Web will keep on moving upward like it has in the previous years. I think the internet we have in our cellphones will become much more faster and they'll probably come up with a 5G in the near future.

According to Microsoft CEO to Focus on Mobile, Cloud Technology, they say that they are trying to focus on the mobile cloud technology. They have came up with a formula, but not the entire formula itself. They only have the latter half formula as of right now. Microsoft and CEO want  rivals such as Amazon, Apple etc. Companies will always look out for rivals so that they can be better than the rest.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Networks and Communication

Asynchronous and synchronous can be used in a good way and a bad way to communicate. The pros of this method for communication is that you can keep in touch with friends 24/7 while texting. Through email you can keep in touch with professors or other important people and lastly through Skype you can keep in touch with family members or friends that are in another country or state. For example, my family and I Skype at least every month with our family in Mexico. The cons of these methods to communicate is that people need to understand and myself too that you can't be texting while crossing major intersections because of the fact that they're bad drivers on the road that don't pay attention either because they might be texting too and that can cause accidents. According to the article, "Study: Texting while walking affects your balance" they say that when people are on they're phones they get so into what they're doing on their phones that they stop thinking about what going on around them. There was a case in Pennsylvania where a lady fell in a fountain because of being on her phone.